One of my favorite times of the year is the Blogger's Quilt Festival because there is so much quilt inspiration to be found in the entries. Plenty of my time is spent visiting blogs and admiring all the creations.
Now, I have entered my stuff before, but this entry is rather special. This entry is my mom's first modern quilt.
Mom's First Modern Quilt
53 x 51
Machine pieced by mom, straight line quilted by me
In February, my mom and I attended Quiltcon 2015 in Austin. While I was in class, my mom attended a lecture by Sherri Lynn Wood. She really enjoyed hearing Sherri speak about improv creating and I suggested that maybe we could collaborate on a quilt someday.
Well, someday turned out to be Memorial Day weekend. I was missing Quiltcon, where it was fun sewing with a group of people and I asked my mom (expecting her to say no) if we could have a sew day. When she said yes, I jumped to gather up my supplies before she could change her mind. I was worried just how easily this traditional quilter would take to improv piecing.
I was wrong. My mom just jumped in and totally got into the creative flow. I was trying to be encouraging, while at the same time trying to bring her back to the instructive process as laid out in the book. It soon became clear to me that my mom was in a zone and was doing her own thing. I realized that this is what improv creation is all about. So I gave up on trying to "help" her and just let her go.
The top was completed in a day and I quilted the piece using straight line quilting with invisible thread.
Following Sherri's instructions, I asked my mom to evaluate her work:
Surprises - I was surprised at how vibrant the color looks against the light background.
Discoveries - I learned how to use a lot of colors. Normally, I stick to one color scheme but I like how all the colors work together.
Satisfactions - How fast it all went together.
Dissatisfactions - None really. I thought at first that the colors would look all jumbled, but it all came together in the end.
Entered into the Modern Category of the Blogger's Quilt Festival Fall 2015