Wednesday, February 4, 2015

WIP Wednesday - Happy Go Lucky Hexies

I have decided on a February goal for A Lovely Year of Finishes - to finish my Happy Go Lucky hexagon quilt.

This quilt was hand pieced, so I thought it should be hand quilted.  Each hexie is quilted in the ditch and each white hexie has an extra outline of a small hexie in the middle.

It is a large quilt, but I think if I can work on it as I find time.


  1. It's a beautiful quilt! Good luck with the hand quilting.

  2. I love Bonnie & Camille fabrics - they always turn into happy quilts. Yours is no exception!

  3. Lovely quilt! Your plan for quilting sounds wonderful, too.

  4. Oh my! That's a lot of handpiecing! And a lot of quilting to achieve in a month... best of luck!

  5. I could never finish it in a month - or ever if doing it by hand. Good luck! It's a beautiful quilt.
