Wednesday, September 12, 2012

WIP - Proverbial Quilt Progress

I have completed putting the words together for the Proverbial Quilt Along happening over at Poppyprint.  The next step is to put the spaces in between the words.  Then, I need to determine how I am going to finish the layout.  The original pattern by Denyse Schmidt shows a contrasting color between the rows of words.

The Proverbial Quilt Pattern Packaging

Linking up to WIP Wednesday today at Freshly Pieced.


  1. This is so pretty! It's going to look great when it's finished, because it already looks stellar!

  2. Oh, this will be one beautiful quilt!

  3. Wow, so impressive - it looks stunning, I love the colour palette.

  4. I intend having a go at this one too! Just waiting for my pattern to arrive!

  5. how cool is that! I am stopping by from the WIP blog hop. I have my WIPs up today if you want to stop by :)

  6. Replies
    1. When we are flat on our backs
      The only way to look is up
      Find release from your cares
      Tomorrow is another day

  7. Wow! You have made great progress!

  8. I am enjoying watching this quilt come together!

  9. It is looking great. You have made a lot of progress. I really like what it says specially "tomorrow is another day"

  10. Your letters look so great! I love the colors that you used! My dog looks a lot like your dog in your header!

  11. It looks fantastic! Beautiful colours and can't wait to see the finished top - it'll look beautiful for sure.

  12. This is awesome! I kind of like it as is, with all the words jammed together. You almost don't realize it's words and then you have to focus really hard to figure out what it says. If you end up putting in the spacers I'm stealing this idea for mine.
