It's Design Wall Monday and the only thing that I have been working on this past week are the scrappy blocks for Flood Texas With Love.
This scrappy block pattern was designed by Cheryl Arkison and is great for someone like me who saves every scrap.
Basically, you pick a color and sew your scraps together. Honestly, I wondered how this was going to look, because I have all types of fabric thrown together. But once I got the blocks on the design wall, they looked really cheery together.
Next up, will be my blue scraps and I am really scared to start working with this color as I seem to have a lot! How did that happen!
They are fun to make and I love that I can use all my scraps (even the gifted fabric scraps that are really not my style of fabric).
Can you make a block? All blocks should be in the mail be June 30th.
Linking today to Design Wall Monday and to Oh Scrap!.