Oh, how I do love the Blogger's Quilt Festival. There is so much creativity on display!
I have decided to enter one of my most recent finishes - Scrappy Stars. It was made using the pattern "Obsession" which is found
in the book "Quilt-opedia".
This quilt was entirely made from my stash of scraps! .
I wanted a project to hand quilt and thought that this piece would be a good quilt to stitch in the ditch.

I am also glad that this piece includes triangles. You see, me and triangles have this love/hate relationship and 2014 has been my year to really work on this skill.

I think this may have been the most fun I ever had selecting fabrics for a project.
Scrappy Stars
78 x 78
Pattern: Obsession from "Quilt-opedia"
Pieced and hand quilted by me
Please check out all of the entries at the festival.