It's time for a party - the Spring 2014 Blogger's Quilt Festival.
My entry is my Star quilt, based on the Jazzy Hands pattern from Material Obsession 2.
This was made from my stash using Denyse Schmidt fabrics and some dot fabrics for the backgrounds. I remember when I was choosing fabric, I was wishing that she had a solid line that I could mix in with the prints. Well, now she does have solids (hmmmmm, I wonder if I see another star quilt in my future.)
I started making stars to keep me occupied while on a long car trip. I found that most of the time in the construction is spent on choosing fabrics and cutting the pieces. I think I was surprised at how much I liked hand piecing the stars together.
The stars were started in late 2012, and the top was completed in March 2013. I put it aside for a bit because I wasn't sure how I wanted it quilted. I finally decided to hand quilt it using the stitch in the ditch method which was completed April 2014.
Stars Quilt
- Size: 82 X 79
- Pattern: Jazzy Hands from Material Obsession 2
- Quilted: Hand pieced and hand quilted by me
- Fabrics: Featuring Denyse Schmidt fabrics with assorted dots prints
- Category: Hand Quilted
I hope that you get a chance to visit the other entries in this festival. There is a ton of inspiration by such amazing quilters.

Previous entries:
Fall 2013 - Spider Web
Spring 2013 - Wonky Circles
Fall 2012 - Stretch Mini
Spring 2012 - Busting Out
Fall 2011 - Civil War quilt