I am excited! Today at lunch, I took a little field trip from my office. I put on my sneakers and caught the free green downtown bus to the George R Brown Convention center. I thought that my family vacation would cause me to miss the International Quilt Festival this year, but the trip was delayed. Now I can go to the show - yeah!
Since I had such a great time in my Quiltcon classes, I decided that I would try and get a class at the festival. I missed the deadline to register online, so I went in person today to sign-up. There were very few modern classes offered, but I chose "Fifty Shades of Groovy". Now I am off to search my stash for supplies. I need bold fabrics that look good with grays.
Until the class on Saturday, I do have other projects on-going.
I started some scrappy Dresden's.
I have my Broken Herringbone basted as part of the MSBHQAL. Honestly, I haven't found the mojo to get the quilting started.

I have pulled my fabrics for the Penny Patch QAL at Stitched in Color (which I believe starts this week).

And, I started thinking about this month's Le Challenge theme of "stripes". I thought this would be simple, but I have very few stripes in my stash. Maybe, I'll just have to find some at the Quilt Festival this weekend.
Linking today to Design Wall Monday.