Monday, October 28, 2013

Design Wall Monday - Many Projects

I am excited!  Today at lunch, I took a little field trip from my office.  I put on my sneakers and caught the free green downtown bus to the George R Brown Convention center.  I thought that my family vacation would cause me to miss the International Quilt Festival this year, but the trip was delayed.  Now I can go to the show - yeah!
Since I had such a great time in my Quiltcon classes, I decided that I would try and get a class at the festival.  I missed the deadline to register online, so I went in person today to sign-up.  There were very few modern classes offered, but I chose "Fifty Shades of Groovy".  Now I am off to search my stash for supplies.  I need bold fabrics that look good with grays.
Until the class on Saturday, I do have other projects on-going.
I started some scrappy Dresden's.
I have my Broken Herringbone basted as part of the MSBHQAL.  Honestly, I haven't found the mojo to get the quilting started.
Penny Patch Quilt-Along
I have pulled my fabrics for the Penny Patch QAL at Stitched in Color (which I believe starts this week).
Le Challenge

And, I started thinking about this month's Le Challenge theme of "stripes".  I thought this would be simple, but I have very few stripes in my stash.  Maybe, I'll just have to find some at the Quilt Festival this weekend.
Linking today to Design Wall Monday.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Blogger's Quilt Festival - Fall 2013

It's that wonderful time of the year - yes, its time for the Blogger's Quilt Festival.  So much quilty inspiration!
My entry for this fall is my Spider Web quilt.

It was very easy to make using a tutorial at Quiltville, and best of all - it made a major dent in my scrap boxes!  If you have an overflowing scrap pile, then I suggest this pattern.

I hand quilted this in about 2 weeks which is kinda fast for me, but I set a goal that I wanted to see this quilt done and on my bed.  The spider webs are quilted with white thread and the red areas are quilted with red thread.
(Thanks Little Guy, for adding a set of little paws to the photo.  Its good to know that my quilts are protected from attack squirrels and ninja cats.)

I think you can tell that I have made a lot of kid quilts by looking at all the pinks and bright colored scraps.  It is rare for me to keep a quilt.  The few that I have are put away and not used.

At first, I really didn't like the look of it on my bed.  It was so bold and bright!  But then, it really grew on me and I get a smile every morning waking up to my bright quilt.  I love the feeling of actually using my quilts.
Please check out all the other quilts during the Blogger's Quilt Festival and I hope that you join us in all this fun.

Blogger's Quilt Festival - 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Le Challenge - Thriller

Hello all.  This month's theme for the Le Challenge craft challenge is - Thriller.  I knew that I had a project that I was making as part of a Craftsy course that would work great.
This is "Love Bug" and it is a baby quilt or small lap quilt at 53 X 53 made as part of the Pattern Free Quilt Making course.  I was in a mood to just sew with no goal in mind.  I used a stack of 5 inch blocks that were left over from a project (please do not ask me how, because I do not know how I managed to cut SO many extra squares).  I searched my scrap box and pulled all the pink strings. 
My thought was that I would create pink sticks and form some kind of circle to create a love nest.  I replaced the middle white squares with a solid pink square and turned the pink sticks a bit.  So my "love nest" became a "love bug" (although I guess it could also be a piñata).
I had no idea when I started out sewing and playing that this would become a project.  I only stopped because I ran out of fabric and I thought a bug would work with a "thriller" theme.
Please check out all of the other entries at this month's Le Challenge.  The next month's theme will be announced tomorrow.
Le Challenge